
The Greenwich Village Games are on in 2022! After 2 years of uncertainty, we are pleased to be able to confirm that the games will be back this year.

Whilst we are expecting the games will be held in their full glory, we would be naive to assume that there isn’t a possibility of complications from the ongoing COVID situation; so the GVG Organising Committee (OC) have been busy planning for contingencies that we don’t think we will need. Australia has moved on from lock-downs, and whilst participant’s safety is our #1 concern, we are sure that we will be able to have a spectacular games come December 2022, after a 6 year wait!

Registrations are about to open and we are looking forward to the residents of Greenwich getting signed-up to their colours and preparing for the first weekend in December. Team captains will be reaching out to you directly.

So come and join us for a community celebration down at Bob Campbell Oval that is long overdue and one that I’m sure will remind us of what it’s like to live around here.

Jon Tindall
Chair GVG OC

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Congratulations to the Engineers who were the winners in 2016. 


Winning co-captains of the Engineers Midi Stormont & Chris Rossiter


Caber Toss Pic Smaller

Cheering 6

